Tuesday, 9 April 2013

30 Day Squat Challenge... here we go.

One thing you may have noticed about me so far is that I don't particularly like exercise. I have tried, don't get me wrong. I enjoy the idea of swimming, low impact, big results. In reality, every time I step in a pool a lifeguard mistakes my 'swimming' for drowning. I just don't like it. Same with running, whenever I try to run I manage to the end of my street (I live at number 12, so 6 doors down!) then I feel like my lungs are going to explode and my legs turn to mush. The gym is a despicable place, there are the germs! Urgh. Also, the lechy men trying it on while I am sweating like an ape. Also there are the really fit people who just make you feel bad about yourself! Exercise DVDs are a little better. I like the privacy but I don't think I do them properly and my living room is pretty small. Another massive problem I have is that I have no one to do these things with. I took up Spin class and enjoyed that and bought a bike, but I have no one to ride with which is sad! 

Anyway, point is, if I am going to be blogging about things, I need to try some new things, almost review them for those of you, who like me, just do not enjoy exercise. My biggest area that needs work is the mid-section, especially the derriere. So I am going to try to 30 Day Squat Challenge from tomorrow - see below. Try with me? Leave me your comments if you do and let me know how you are getting on. I will keep you posted!

Photo: The Fit Community  4 seconds ago.    Squats Challenge starts today! Some have already started and doing great! This calendar has gotten shared quite a bit and lot of the same questions on the thread so I have tried to answer most of them below. Remember have fun with the challenge, that's what its for, hopefully to get your butt in a little better shape for summer :) Get you toned, your legs a little stronger and most of all hopefully jump start a new fitness journey..Happy Squatting!!

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