Friday, 26 April 2013

I'm back! In more ways than one.

Sorry for the lack of posts lately guys. It's been back to work mayhem! As for my progress, I finally hit 9 stone. Wahey! I have been hovering between 9 stone 1 and 9 stone 5 for ages now so I did a little whoop when I hit 9 stone and celebrated with some disco pants.
Anyway, the real big news here is that I have rejoined the gym. Mostly just for the yoga class but my friend Kelly also has convinced me to sign up for spin. Ouch. I used to spin regularly when I was large and it was do-able so fingers crossed I will be better now I am thinner.
The one form of exercise I do love is yoga. I love the feeling of floating out like you are on a cloud. All exercise should be finished with some meditation. Fact. So u toddled off to yoga with my pals (who h also helps! I stopped going because no one would come with me!), little did I know I had actually signed up for the way more hardcore Ashtanga yoga. Jesus Christ you need some stamina for that! I must admit though, my neck was killing when I went in. Feels okay now though.
My plan is to try a new class each week, keep mixing it up. I will let you know how it goes! Sorry this is a short one.

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